Parvovirus B-19 Detection Kit

DiAGSure® Parvovirus B-19 Detection Kit (Multiplex, TaqMan based)

Catalog No.: GDQ2045- 20R; GDQ2045- 50R; GDQ2045-100R

Intended Use:
Parvovirus B-19 Detection PCR assay can detect Parvovirus B-19 ssDNA and is a much more sensitive and fast detection method over conventional viral-based and histopathological methods for the detection of virus infection or for describing the natural history of viral infection. The DiAGSure® Parvovirus B-19 Detection Kit (Multiplex, TaqMan based) is an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) test involving TaqMan chemistry intended for the detection of viral DNA including serum, oral and nasal swab in VTM, CSF, BAL, sputum and stool samples. This two-plex PCR detects the viral NS1 gene and includes an internal control (IC) reference gene in a single tube reaction.

• Detection and quantification of parvovirus B19 specific DNA
• Reagent system including Internal Control and Quantification Standards
• Compatible with various real-time PCR platforms
• CE-IVD marked in vitro diagnostic test

For use with
Applied Biosystems® 7500/7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, Quanstudio 5, Bio-Rad CFX96, QIAGEN Rotor Gene Q, Roche Lighcycler® 480.

Rxns- 96
Transportation- Dry ice
Regulatory status- CE-IVD
Sample Types
Oropharyngeal/Nasopharyngeal swab in VTM, BAL, plasma, serum and CSF specimens

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Price

20 Isolation

50 Isolation

100 Isolation

Product Brochure

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Product Data Sheet

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