Oligo / Primers


Experience Advantage

With employees with over a decade of experience in oligo synthesis, you will always get the best service and support tailor-made for your unique requirements.

Process Control

Our Oligonucleotides are developed in a highly automated synthesis facility. With the help of the best in the market automated oligo Synthesizer and other high-end related instruments, we can produce the best quality oligosin in a very short time. All orders are given a unique order number and all oligos have a unique barcode number which is used for tracking the oligos at all the process steps from order to shipment.

Performance Check:

Measuring the performance of our oligos is a vital cornerstone in our quality assurance. Our oligos undergo rigorous in-house application analyses by PCR, NGS, DNA sequencing, Real-time PCR, DNA cloning, etc.

Multiple purification options:
    • Desalted
    • Sift LC
    • HPLC
    • PAGE
Ready Made Oligos
    • • RAPD Kits
      • UBC NAPS Unit Standard RAPD primers
      • ISSR markers
      • Universal primers
Multiple Synthesis options
    • 10 nmol
    • 25 nmol
    • 50 nmol
    • 200 nmol
    • 1000 nmol
    • 10000 nmol
    • Bulk Quantities
Quality Check of Incoming Reagents

Most of the reagents used for oligo synthesis are developed in our state-of-the-art Chemistry lab. Only some reagents are imported from reputed companies. All the reagents used for oligosynthesis undergo stringent quality checks before use. In addition, all suppliers are regularly audited by us.

Quality Check of Oligonucleotides

All the oligo batches undergo rigorous quality checks by trityl check, absorbance, PAGE and PCR with universal primers and also they are sequenced with universal primers.

Modified Custom Oligos:
    • • 5’ Modifications (Biotin, Thiol, Amino, 6-FAM, Cy5, Cy3, Phosphate, etc.)
    • • Internal modifications (Inosime, FAM-dT, etc.)
    • • 3’ Modifications (BHQ, TAMRA, Biotin-TEG, Inosine, Cy5, Cy3, etc.)
Unmodified Custome Oligos:
    • Degenerate/ wobble oligos
    • Desalted
    • Swift LC purified
    • HPLC purified
    • PAGE purified
    • Oligos in Plate
Oligos by QC Multiple Synthesis Scale options:
    • Trityl monitoring
    • Absorbance Reading
    • PAGE
    • PCR with Universal primers
    • Sequencing with Universal primer

Basic Synthesis
DescriptionSynthesis Scale TubesLength (bases)Minimum Yield*
GC-0125 nmol145502 OD
GC-0250 nmol295263 OD
GC-03200 nmol5-10010 OD
GC-041000 nmol5-10035 OD
GC-0510000 nmol5-100250 OD
Oligo Synthesis
RAPD Primers

Oligos are specifically developed for Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, RAPD is a technique used for DNA fingerprinting and genetic mapping. RAPD markers are single 10-mer oligonucleotides of arbitrary sequence used as primers in PCR to amplify genomic DNA where the sequence of the DNA is completely unknown.

Quality Check of Oligonucleotides

All the oligo batches undergo rigorous quality checks by trityl check,

Quotations and Ordering

For quotation requests and questions, you may contact us by email or via our secured online quotation system. Please find the custom oligo synthesis brochure. Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours Monday through Saturday. You may contact us anytime for assistance.

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