Protein Extraction Buffer

Protein Extraction Buffer

Protein Extraction Buffer

A good quality protein extraction buffer is necessary to keep the protein safe, functional and stable. Downstream works often demand for high yield of protein samples. To subsidize the necessities of research laboratories we have a range of extraction buffers to extract protein from various samples.

Select your products depending on desired application and sample types
Cat. No.#Product SpecificationsPack Size, QuantityPrice in (₹)
GLB 01GLyse® RIPA BufferOne Pack, 50 mlView More
GLB 02GLyse® RIPA BufferOne Pack, 500 mlView More
GLB03GLyse® RipaPhoslock BufferOne Pack, 50 mlPOR
GLB04GLyse® RipaPhoslock BufferOne Pack, 500 mlPOR
Cat. No.#Product SpecificationsPack Size, QuantityPrice in (₹)
GLB05GLyse®B (Bacterial lysis buffer)One Pack, 50 mlView More
GLB06GLyse®B (Bacterial lysis buffer)One Pack, 500 mlView More
Cat. No.#Product SpecificationsPack Size, QuantityPrice in (₹)
GLB07GLyse®M (Mammalian cell lysis buffer)One Pack, 50 mlPOR
GLB08GLyse®M (Mammalian cell lysis buffer)One Pack, 250 mlPOR
Cat. No.#Product SpecificationsPack Size, QuantityPrice in (₹)
GLB09GLyse®PL (Plant leaf lysis buffer)One Pack, 50 mlPOR
GLB10GLyse®PL (Plant leaf lysis buffer)One Pack, 250 mlPOR
GPA-006Glyse®PT (Plant Tissue Lysis Buffer)One Pack, 50 mlView More
GPA-007Glyse®PT (Plant Tissue Lysis Buffer)One Pack, 500 mlView More
Cat. No.#Product SpecificationsPack Size, QuantityPrice in (₹)
GPA-004GLyse®AT (Animal Tissue Lysis Buffer)One Pack, 50 mlView More
GPA-005GLyse®AT (Animal Tissue Lysis Buffer)One Pack, 500 mlView More
Cat. No.#Product SpecificationsPack Size, QuantityPrice in (₹)
GLB 13GLyse®CC(Protein Extraction Fron Culture Cell)One Pack, 50 mlView More
GLB 14GLyse®CC(Protein Extraction Fron Culture Cell)One Pack, 500 mlView More

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