Rhinovirus Infection Detection kit

DiAGSure® Rhinovirus Infection Detection kit (TaqMan based, Multiplex)

Rhinovirus is a virus type of the Picornavirus family that causes many common colds and upper respiratory infections. Less commonly, these viruses may cause bronchiolitis or pneumonia. Rhinoviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses and over 100 types identified. Rhinovirus infection is easily spread from person-to-person. Symptoms of rhinovirus infection usually develop within 12-72 hours of exposure.
Test Principle:
The DiAGSure® Rhinovirus detection PCR assay can detect Rhinovirus and is a much more sensitive and fast detection method for the detection of viral infection. The DiAGSure® Rhinovirus Infection Detection Kit (Multiplex, TaqMan based) is an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) Real-time Reverse Transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) test involving TaqMan chemistry intended for the detection of viral RNA in sputum samples. This two-plex PCR detects the 5’ Untranslated region (UTR) of the viral genome and includes an internal control (IC) reference gene in a single-tube reaction.
Sample types:
Blood plasma/sputum/stool/oro-pharyngeal swab samples
Estimated operating time:
~1 hr 18 mins

Product :
DiAGSure® Rhinovirus Infection Detection kit
Catalog No :
GDQ6035- 20R; GDQ6035- 50R; GDQ6035-100R

Our Price

20 Isolation

50 Isolation

100 Isolation

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