DNA Biology

Phenol Chloroform IAA

  • • These reagents effectively remove proteins and other impurities, yielding high-purity nucleic acids suitable for downstream applications such as PCR, cloning, and sequencing
  • • Phenol denatures proteins and helps in breaking down cellular membranes, facilitating the release of nucleic acids
  • • Phenol, chloroform, and isoamyl alcohol are all hazardous substances, so the reagent must be handled with care
  • • Phenol-chloroform-IAA reagents can be used with a variety of biological samples, including tissue, cell cultures, and biological fluids
Phenol Chloroform IAA
Catalog No:
GCR-32, GCR-32L

Optimal Purity and Yield

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Effective Denaturation

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Safety Consideration

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Price

100 ML


200 ML


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